The Centenary of Armistice
At eleven o’clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh month exactly 100 years ago-the...
Category : LLW

Lord Lieutenant writes for #HERTS November online Magazine
My Days with the Hertfordshire Police The Lord Lieutenant writes regularly for the #HERTS online...
Category : LLW, Publications

The University of Hertfordshire
Hertfordshire is “The County of Opportunity” and nowhere is that more evident than at The...
Category : LLW

Lord Lieutenant writes for #HERTS August online Magazine
My First Year as Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire The Lord Lieutenant writes regularly for the #HERTS...
Category : LLW, Publications

A Right Royal Month
May and June are very busy for members of The Royal Family. The entire world...
Category : LLW

Lord Lieutenant writes for #HERTS June online Magazine
Taking the Lieutenancy to the people!! The Lord Lieutenant writes regularly for the #HERTS online...
Category : LLW, Publications