
International 16 Days of Action at the University of Herts
On 2nd December the Lord-Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenant Suzy Harvey dropped into the Herts Community...
Category : Events

1166 Squadron Air Cadets Annual Awards
On 26th November The Lord-Lieutenant together With Deputy Lieutenant Anthony Chapman was delighted to attend...
Category : Events

Hertfordshire Lieutenancy visit to the Watford Gurdwara
The Lord-Lieutenant, some Deputy Lieutenants, and the High-Sherrif visited the Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara...
Category : Events

Chancellor’s School Duke of Edinburgh Awards
On 26th November 2019, Jo Connell DL was delighted to attend the Duke of Edinburgh’s...
Category : Events

The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living
On 21st November The Lord-Lieutenant was very pleased to visit The Letchworth Centre for Healthy...
Category : Events

Mayor of Ware Civic Service
On Sunday 6th October Kate Belinis DL attended the Civic Service of the Mayor of...
Category : Events

Lord-Lieutenant meets ArchBishop Angaelos of the Coptic Community
On 4th October the Lord-Lieutenant was honoured to meet Archbishop Angaelos of London Coptic Orthodox...
Category : Events

South West Herts Business Dinner
The Lord-Lieutenant, on 27 September, was delighted to attend South West Herts Business Dinner at...
Category : Events

Official Opening of the Queen Eleanor Square in Waltham Cross
Dr Sarah Coffey JP DL was delighted to attend the official opening of the Queen...
Category : Events