Richard Beazley steps down as Vice Lord-Lieutenant

Category : Events

After 12 years as Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire-Richard Beazley has decided to stand down which was announced at yesterday’s dinner at North Herts College.

Richard was VLL to Dione for 7 years and then has been my VLL for the last 5.

I simply could not have taken on the role had it not been for Richard’s wonderful support and guidance. He has always been available as a sounding board and mentor and always with sound and considered advice which anyone who knows Richard from his other roles as Chair of the NHS Trust and Chair of the Board of the University will fully appreciate.

Although of course, Richard remains a very active DL-I am sure we all wish him well and hope he can take life a little easier- although I somehow doubt that…!

I am also very pleased to announce that I have invited Ant Chapman to become Vice Lord-Lieutenant and am delighted that he has accepted.

Whilst Ant will have very large shoes to fill in following Richard-I have absolutely no doubt that he will bring his own experience, expertise and personality to the role and very much look forward to working even closer with him in the coming years.
