Ride London Classique Women’s Cycle Race sped through Buntingford

Category : Events
On 24th May 2024, Karen Trew DL joined distinguished guests, the local community and pupils from Edwinstree School lining the High Street in Buntingford to watch part of this elite women’s cycle race coming through Hertfordshire for the first time. The race finished in Colchester and was won by Dutch rider Lorena Wiebes.
Two children from Edwinstree School won £60 vouchers for Trax cycle shop for the closest guesses of the race speed on the High Street in Buntingford.
This was a wonderful vibrant and memorable community event with spectators in high spirits and enjoying this exciting event.
Thanks to Cllr Graham McAndrew and Rory McMullan from Hertfordshire County Council and all the team for organising this successful event.
The distinguished guests included:
Annie Brewster, High Sheriff
Cllr Terry Douris, Chairman of Hertfordshire County Council
Cllr Duncan Wallace, Mayor of Buntingford
Cllr Jeff Jones
Cllr Graham McAndrew
