Youth United Hertfordshire contribute to Clean Oceans Campaign

Category : Events

To commemorate Commonwealth Day this year, an event took place on 8th March 2025 to enable Youth United Hertfordshire to contribute to the Royal Commonwealth Society and their Clean Oceans Plastic Campaign – without having an ocean!

With support from the Hertford Scouts, a Litter Pick Up event was organised along the riverbank in Hertford.  Rubbish was collected from the riverbank using litter grabbers and in the river using kayaks to try to stop much of it ending up in the sea.

The event was attended by around 60 people which included young people from the Army Cadets, Royal Air Force Air Cadets, Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers as well as Adult Cadet Volunteers, Parents and Guardians and a representative from the Canal & River Trust. The Lord-Lieutenant, Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Lionel Wallace DL and John Howie DL were also in attendance and fully involved in the litter picking.

At the end of the event we were all thrilled to see the positive impact we had made on our local river, and in support of the Royal Commonwealth Society and their Clean Ocean Plastics Campaign.
