Celebration of the Monarchy, the Commonwealth, and British Values by Lonsdale School

Category : Events

On 15 October the Lord-Lieutenant accompanied by his wife, the Assistant Clerk to the Lieutenancy, and 9 Deputy Lieutenants joined Lonsdale School to celebrate the Monarchy, the Commonwealth and British Values. In addition to the Lieutenancy, a Yeoman Warder (better known as Beefeater) from the Tower of London also joined the celebrations.

All guests were warmly welcomed by the staff and children alike; the whole school was adorned with flags, pictures, drawings and more, to perfectly reflect the Royal theme.

The entire day was packed with activities including creative arts, games, presentations, quizzes, debates, a Parade and of course the Garden Party. The children and staff looked magnificent throughout the day wearing their party clothes, royal costumes and jewellery. Parents, grandparents, and governors joined the celebration in the afternoon for the Parade and the Royal Garden Party.

A fantastic, joyous and memorable day was concluded with the Lord-Lieutenant presenting a picture of Her Majesty The Queen to the school and the singing of the national anthem (including sign language).

What an amazing School!!
