Members of the Lieutenancy observe the “We build it better” Programme at Sele School
On 12th March DL’s Kate Belinis, Karen Trew, Akhtar Zaman and Marion Brown attended the Sele School Hertford to observe the “We build it better” programme. This initiative runs in partnership with Airbus who provide kits to schools engaging pupils in very practical ways to develop their knowledge and skills in the areas of Science and Technology. The programme has resulted in more students becoming interested in STEM subjects as well as greater engagement generally academically leading to improved outcomes. Sele is now offering itself as a base for local Primary schools to get involved with the programme.
“It was fantastic to be able to show members of the Lieutenancy the STEM education programmes that Airbus has been trialling at the Sele School, with the aim of encouraging more pupils to select Triple Science GCSE and STEM-based careers. Encouraging more children to engage with science and technology supports the government’s ambition to develop skills across the country and strengthens the pipeline of future talent for the defence and space industry.”Lucinda Williams, an employee of Airbus
The photos show pupils from Bayford Primary School enjoying their morning learning how to make a stable platform using appropriate screws and screwdrivers. Group photo adults pictured L to R are Akhtar Zaman, Lucinda Williams, Karen Trew, Marion Brown and Kate Belinis