Defibrillator Unveiling at Barclay Park Hoddesdon

Category : Events

On 7th September 2024, Karen Trew DL and Dr Sally Burton DL attended the unveiling of the first solar and wind-powered defibrillator and bleed control kit cabinet in Hertfordshire at Barclay Park in Hoddesdon and this is the 15th in the whole of the UK. Justin Honey-Jones of Hearts led this initiative for Herts charity in collaboration with Hertfordshire County Council and Broxbourne Borough Council.

 The availability of this life-saving equipment at any time of the day or night makes this beautiful park safer for everyone. The cabinet contains a defibrillator and also a bleed control kit. it is connected to the emergency services and there is a QR code on the front of the cabinet with signposting to local health and wellbeing services for all.

This was a significant day for Barclay Park. Once again, the park received its Green Flag Award for 2024/25, an award that the Friends of Barclay Park have received every year for over a decade.  The unveiling and this award followed another successful Park Run earlier in the morning. A fabulous morning!

There were many in attendance including Annie Brewster JP, the High Sherriff of Hertfordshire; Sherrie McDaid, the Mayor of Broxbourne; Lewis Cocking, MP for Broxbourne; and Cllr Paul Seeby, Cabinet Member for Environment, Broxbourne Borough Council.
